Brand Leaders: Gautam Sinha, Founder & Creative Director, Nappa Dori


Dropout of degree in Fashion Design.

Career history
Worked as a product designer before starting my first company in 2002-2008 -Definite Design Creative director, and then took 2 years off before starting Nappa Dori.

Role & responsibilities
Heading product design in all departments

Strengths & weakness
Strengths: OCD and Perfectionist
Weakness: I would say the same

Be a global brand in the next 4 years. We are already on the same trajectory with 2 international stores in London and Dubai.

Game changing retail technologies
Instagram and social media platforms as sales avenues

Skills that helped you succeed
Ignorance is bliss, hence making moves that flow against the norms.

Lessons learned
• Patience is important while creating a brand.
• Legacies are not make by venture capitalists but by virtue.

On the future of industry
Slow growth is not a bad thing, I feel people need to realize that to compete against global brands you need time on your side as well.

Role model
Sir Paul Smith

Learning from your career
Empathy, patience and keeping things simple, may it be in your work or personal life.

Life mantra
Wake up early.

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